nan 印地 · 1999 · 印度 · 剧情片
萨尔曼·汗,卡瑞诗玛·卡普尔,赛义夫·阿里·汗,塔布,索娜丽·本达里,Mohnish Bahl,Mahesh Thakur,Neelam,阿洛克·纳特,萨蒂什·沙阿
部电影的前半部分展现给我们的是一个充满爱心和家庭乐趣的和谐大家庭。长子,维维卡在父母结婚25周年的晚会上遇见萨德拉并立刻被她吸引。萨德拉的父亲去探望拉姆基申并解释说,他把萨德拉带到派对去就是为了让她见见维维卡。并向拉姆基申提出联姻。拉姆基申喜出望外,因为全家都在为维维卡的婚事担忧。但是维维卡并不是很期待这场婚事。很多年前,维维卡为了救他的弟弟们导致左手失去知觉,他认为他的手将对萨德拉是太多的负担。 但萨德拉决心已定。维维卡被她的奉献精所打动,因此,两个人幸福地结婚了。 普瑞姆和普丽提在双方很小的时候曾彼此暗恋,但是他们从来没有谈到过自己的爱。 尽管在外人看来很明显,但是他们都不确定对方的感情。不过这并不重要,因为他们是包办婚姻。 维诺德和萨普娜是最年轻的情侣,两人非常有趣,互相调情。 这三兄弟有一个姐姐姗吉塔,已婚并生有一女。 她与丈夫的弟弟和家人住...
nan 北印度语 · 1991 · 北印度 · 科幻片
Devi is gifted with Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Her gift comes to light one day while playing tennis with her friend, Sudha, when she has a vision of her sister, Rama, being shot to death by a man in a black raincoat. She telephones Rama, finds she is safe and is relieved. Shortly thereafter Rama disappears, the police are notified, but are unable to find any trace of her. Devi then meets multi-millionaire, Ram Kumar, both fall in love and get married. She moves into his once abandoned and legally disputed bungalow, and that's when she starts having visions again. These visions lead her to a wall that is loosely plastered. She breaks down the wall with a pick-axe and finds a skeleton of a woman, who is later identified as Rama. Now having come to know that her premonitions are more or less accurate, Devi starts to have another vision - this time of a woman being stabbed by a bald man...