10.0 波斯语 · 2004 · 伊朗 · 剧情片
巴巴克·安萨里,塔拉内·阿里多斯蒂,法拉马兹·加里比安,阿胡·赫拉德曼德,法哈德·贾米安,胡斯昂·海哈万德,Aylar Valapur,Mehran Maham,侯赛因·法兹札德,Mohammad Mohaddesi,Mohammad Haji Hosseini,Amir Kiani,Saeed Ghareh Khan Lou,Hadi Moslemi,Mohsen Arab,Hassan Tas
Akbar has just turned eighteen. He has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen when he was condemned to death. Legally speaking, he had to reach the age of eighteen so that the conviction could be carried out. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A'la, a friend of Akbar, who himself has undergone impriso...
nan 波斯语 · 1987 · 伊朗 · 剧情片
《骑单车的人》是由莫森·玛克玛尔巴夫执导的一部影片,该片讲述在战争期间,许多阿富汗难民纷纷逃到伊朗,但他们每每演绎着悲惨的故事。 《骑单车的人》主人公就是这么一个不幸的阿富汗难民,在伊朗,妻子病重,工作艰辛,备受歧视。为了攒钱治病,老实的男人想尽了一切办法,他接下了一个听起来很荒谬的活:骑单车表演,连续一个星期不能下车。主办者是一个利欲熏心的老板,为了牟利,他请来许多观众,把表演搞得声势浩大。于是小镇所有人纷纷关注起这场表演,下注打赌,俨然在观赏一场盛事……可怜的阿富汗男人在自行车上每天24小时不停的“表演”着,精疲力竭,但为了得到酬金仍然苦苦支撑,忍受着非人的痛苦。到了表演结束的第七天,他已经是一具行尸走肉。
nan 英语 · 2017 · 美国 · 恐怖片
Terri Ivens,索菲雅·斯凯亚,Lizze Gordon,Jocelyn Saenz,Adam Horner,Miranda O'Hare,Jennifer Cipolla,Jessica Louise Long,Margot Major,Russell Herrera Jr.,Jarod Martin,Sara Stretton,Sophie Kiani,Aaron James
Five undergrad witches come together in order to perform a ritual to invoke the ancient powers of the witch Ashura. The leader of the coven gets carried away and accidentally kills one of the witches during the ritual. She needs the strength of a complete coven to invoke Ashura’s powers and sends them out to find a final witch. As she absorbs power the surviving girls plot to t...