6.0 波兰语 · 1959 · 波兰 · 剧情片
卢茜娜·温尼斯卡,莱昂·涅姆奇克,Teresa Szmigielówna
去年過世的波蘭導演耶吉?卡瓦萊洛威茲,是「Polish Film School運動」中的代表人物之一。其作品擅長以影像呈現細膩的細節,累積給予觀者強烈的震撼力。議題圍繞個人在社會備受政治或戰爭壓迫下,人性的掙扎與道德的選擇。這些深具豐富意涵的創作文本,也讓他的作品深受影壇重視。1951年拍攝首部劇情長片《The Village Mill》,隨後完成《Shadow》(1956) ,以及本片《夜車》,這些影片都被視為相當具時代代表性的波蘭電影。卡瓦萊洛威茲亦曾主掌知名的KADR 製作部門,安德烈華依達、塔都茲考威克(Tadeusz Konwicki) 和尤利斯馬休斯基(Juliusz Machulski)都曾在其製作部門工作。他最為人所熟知的影片莫過於1961年的《修女約安娜》,以及1966年改編自Boles?aw Prus的歷史小說《Pharaoh》,...
nan 波兰语 · 1985 · 波兰 · 科幻片
Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the Ark to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart. Delving deep into the dusty and long abandonded vaults of b-cinema in search of lost gems always leaves me with a bi...
nan 波兰语 · 1985 · 波兰 · 恐怖片
Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the Ark to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart. Delving deep into the dusty and long abandonded vaults of b-cinema in search of lost gems always leaves me with a bi...