nan 德语,英语,法语 · 1979 · 西德 · 喜剧片
哈里·拜厄,哈克·波姆,玛吉特·卡斯滕森,埃迪·康斯坦丁,Jürgen Draeger,Raúl Gimenez,克劳斯·霍尔姆,君特·考夫曼,乌多·基尔,布鲁·欧吉尔,莉萝·潘蓓,汉娜·许古拉,福尔克·施彭勒,Y Sa Lo,维图斯·策普里夏
nan 德语,阿拉伯语 · 1972 · 西德 · 剧情片
汉斯·希尔斯缪勒,伊尔姆·赫尔曼,汉娜·许古拉,安德里亚·舒伯,克劳斯·洛维奇,库尔特·拉布,英格丽·卡文,埃尔·赫迪·本·萨利姆,Gusti Kreissl,Karl Scheydt,Heide Simon,彼得·沙泰勒,Elga Sorbas,莉萝·潘蓓,沃尔特·泽德迈尔
曾经是一名警察的汉斯(汉斯·希尔斯缪勒 Hans Hirschmüller 饰)因为被妓女诬陷而丢掉了工作,为了糊口,心怀大志的他不得不成为了一名水果小贩。汉斯无法取得心爱姑娘的父母的信任和赏识,已经到了成家年龄的他最终娶了名叫伊尔姆加特(伊尔姆·海尔曼 Irm Her mann 饰)的女人。 自打结婚后,汉斯的人生正式走上的下坡路,伊尔姆加特的粗暴和无礼为汉斯的不如意雪上加霜。汉斯得了心脏病,在住院期间,独守空房的伊尔姆加特耐不住寂寞,和邻居安策尔(Karl Scheydt 饰)之间发生了不道德的关系。出院后的汉斯已经无力再沿街叫卖水果了,改为摆水果摊。一次偶然中,他与战友哈里(Klaus L?witsch 饰)重逢了,尽管哈里给汉斯一家带来了不少的快乐,但他依旧无法阻止汉斯走向绝望。
nan 德语 · 2015 · 德国 · 纪录片
Rainer Werner Fassbinder was probably Germany’s most significant post-war director. His swift and dramatic demise at the early age of 37 in 1982 left behind a vacuum in European filmmaking that has yet to be filled, as well as a body of unique, multi-layered and multifarious work of astonishing consistency and rigour. From 1969 onwards, Danish director and film historian Christian Braad Thomsen maintained a close yet respectfully distanced friendship with Fassbinder. Fassbinder – Lieben ohne zu fordern is based on his personal memories as well as a series of conversations and interviews he held with Fassbinder and his mother Lilo in the 1970s. The film also contains current interviews with Irm Hermann and Harry Baer, both of whom were close to Fassbinder. Beginning with Fassbinder’s extraordinary childhood in traumatised post-war Germany, the film, which is divided into seven chapters, provides an illuminating, intimate and moving tribute that bears witness to the enduring relevance of both the man and his work. Today in particular his oeuvre continues to provoke us to engage with controversy and tension – be it aesthetical, creative or critical. berlianle 2015